Overflowing with Thankfulness

Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

What does it really feel like to live our lives IN Him? And is it even possible in this day and age to overflow with thankfulness?

Today I was thinking about all of those single parents and people that are part of what we refer to as blended families. I can't speak for others but the fact that I am part of a blended family truly makes the holidays more challenging. There are so many feelings and emotions that getting together conjure up that it's often just easier to go through the season alone. And I'm sure that my children have their own opinions too. I need to arrive at that thankful place each and every day. Today I am saying a special prayer for all of the single parent families and widows; the shut-ins and those without anyone. And I'm thanking the Lord for my mom and dad, my brother and sister and those in my amazing church family that bring me joy.

We all need to learn more and more about living in Him. Through reading His Word and talking to Him in prayer we can find a good friend, a trusted companion and some comfort during the hard times. Each year He builds us up a little bit more and makes us stronger. And it's because of all that He is doing inside of us that we begin to overflow with thankfulness. Thankfulness is not possible without living in Him.

Stop for a moment today and ask the Lord to live in you and be YOUR Lord. If you want to grow you need to establish some roots. Start talking to the Lord about how you are feeling and He will begin to strengthen you from the inside out. Soon, you will be overflowing with thankfulness!


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