Getting Some COURAGE out of DisCOURAGEment
The disease of discouragement show up in many ways in our lives. Sometimes it manifest as depression. How can we pull courage out of discouragement? Today, let's suggest some ways discouragement gets access to our lives.
Fatigue: when you are tired and drained emotionally, you are a sure target for the infection known as discouragement. During fatigue your immune system is weakened, your defenses are low and things always look a lot worse than they are. You see this when you get half way through a major project and lose steam. When you feel fatigue, you’ll lose the intrigue.
Frustration: there is no worse thing than seeing tasks pile up and having that overwhelmed feeling. It’s natural to feel this way. When trivial things show up and interrupt you and prevent you from accomplishing what you really need to do, your frustration can easily produce discouragement.
When there’s frustration, there’s no elation.
Fear: think about this one…fear of criticism(what will they think?) fear of responsibility(what if I cant handle it?) these things can bring on the blues quickly. Fear is behind discouragement much more than we would like to admit. When there is fear, things won’t be clear.
Failure: plans fall apart…the project goes south…the deal falls through…the order is cancelled. What do you do?...self-pity?…blame game? One man said, just when I think I can make ends meet, somebody moves the ends…that’s discouraging! Charlie Brown in the Peanuts strip, complains that his baseball team always loses. Lucy, his friend, consoles him by saying “remember Charlie Brown, you learn more from your defeats than your victories”. Charlie replied,” then I must be the smartest guy in the world!” Failure is what separates discouragement from depression.
The symptom of depression is brought on by fatigue, frustration and fear BUT failure is what turns the symptom into a disease.
Tomorrow we will list 4 things to help pull courage out of discouragement.