Stepping Up
Joshua 1:9 Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
I admire Joshua and the steps that he took to continue when his leader and mentor, Moses, finished his life's race. Joshua "stepped up" as we say and he stepped into the role that God had designed for him. He got to finish the final leg of the race and take Gods people into the land and life that was promised them.
When I started working in ministry I used to wish that God would speak to me as he did with Joshua and give me specific instructions for my next project. Encourage me by saying that every step I take would prosper and that he would be with me no matter what, just like he was with Moses. That he would tell me no enemy could stand against the power he had placed in me. Then one day, as I was reading and praying I understood...He is with me...He has promised to bless my steps and He would rise up in me greater than any enemy! He left me the Bible and He speaks to me through ots pages everyday! His Word was given to ignite hope in me and to show me the way and to increase my faith so that I could stand in and under any circumstances that life brings me!
His Word is living and active which means as you read it, feed on it and digest it, you will experience it coming alive in you and through you. You are stronger than you think. You can do more than you imagine yourself doing. You just need to stay tethered to His Word. Today, whatever you may be going through, remember that God is for you, His Spirit is guiding you and He will be with you wherever you go. Don't be afraid or strong and very courageous!
"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step in your life."