It's ALL Good!
I am adopting a new philosophy these matter what the struggle or the trial, I am using this phrase: "it's all good!" You may say that sounds kind of dumb because everything isn't always good. You are correct about that but I have been reading a great deal about the negative effects of worry and anxiety. I am also certain that my blood pressure could be lowered a bit so if I can get out of my head and be controlled by my's all good!
Scripture tells us to "count it all joy" when we face various types of trials and difficulties. We do this because we know that the tough times are making us tougher. In all of the challenges, God is up to something. In the Book of Philippians we are told to rejoice and to give thanks IN everything! Not FOR everything, but IN it. It may not always feel good at the time but by the time its done, God can make it something good.
Maybe you are worried about a certain situation today. Perhaps you have gotten a bit discouraged over all the bad news that is bombarding you. Remember that God is in control and He is faithful. He not only takes care of us, He watches out for us. It's what we called "blessed assurance". So no matter what happens today, turn up the corners of your mouth into a smile(: and say it with's all good!