Fat Blockers 4
This week we are looking at Fat Blockers: things we say or think that keep us from becoming more of what God designed us to be. All of the fat blockers are part of the excuses Moses used in Exodus 3 and 4 as God was trying to use him.
Fat Blocker #4- I'm not very eloquent. If you start to look at these fat blockers you can see a pattern that may remind you of an opera singer warming up….me,me,me,me,me. Who am I? What do I say? What if I’m not heard? I’m not smooth in my speech! Personally I can relate a bit to Moses here. When the Lord talked to me about starting a church in Tulsa, I was a little freaked out. This part of the state is known for some amazing and talented ministers and ministries. I thought that I would surely stumble over words and probably confuse more people than I would help! Besides that, I can say some pretty strange things!
Moses did have some speech issues…he stuttered. They call it a speech impediment because it impedes our speech. BUT GOD…God can change the game! God can loose a person that has been dead as he did with Lazarus. God can wake up a 12 year old girl that has been written off as dead and God can loose a stuttering and stammering tongue! It’s not about us. He does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called.