Are You Praising Yourself?
I was in 2 Corinthians and the 3rd chapter reading the other day and it begins like this: "are we beginning to praise ourselves again?" As I read that part of the verse I began to think of how many times each day that something good occurs and I start to think about how good I was or how great that thing I did was. I have to admit that there are times in my life when I can take the credit for things that were most certainly set up for me and accomplished by God. In fact scripture says in James 1 that "every good and perfect gift comes down from above..."
When I trust in the Lord with ALL my heart and lean upon Him, every need that I have is provided for. My physical body is touched by His grace. My financial life is blessed by His grace. My spiritual life grows in that grace. I praise HIM because He is my Lord.
Who are you trusting in today? Are you beginning to praise yourself again? Look to Him and you will always find grace in your time of need.