Lend a Hand
Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don't be
obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend
a helping hand. Phil 2:4 MSG
Some will say that we live in a
dog eat dog world. In other words, if you don’t look out for yourself, you will
get run over. Looking out for number one seems to be the counsel of those who want you to get ahead. Today I want to encourage all of us to be on the lookout for each
other first and think of ways to make someone else’s life a bit better. What
you and I make happen for someone else, God will make happen for us. We ourselves get ahead by lending a helping hand to another.
Take a moment today to write that
note, send that card or make that call and lend a helping hand to someone
connected to you. Helping others IS the best way to help yourselves. Be