Do What You Can

Romans 12:13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
 Once again my heart is warmed and my spirit encouraged by the character and kindness of people. As quickly as the devastation hit our state, people from all walks of life began to gather together and do what I spoke of in the blog yesterday…bounce back and rise up. Our church, The Landing is in a small community and we have some really amazing folks around us and within our faith family.
In only took moments for some of them to organize their support network and soon our folks were joined with some amazing folks who raised money and put bags of supplies together for people and their pets too! I thought about this scripture in Romans and how we are encouraged to share and to practice hospitality. Do what you can, where you are with what you have.
If there is a silver lining at all within this terrible tragedy, it is that mankind does indeed rally together and do all that is in their power to do for others. From the superstar athletes to the small business owners to the busy housewife and the little pastor in a small town, God is alive and showing up in tangible acts of kindness across the country:)
                                      Praise be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph!


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