How Can I Make Sure I Never Miss a Cup?
Please take a moment this weekend to SUBSCRIBE to our blog by clicking on the link on the right side of this home page. If you would like to have a copy emailed to you each day you can do that as well.
Cup of Joe is on Twitter @imcupofjoe and we encourage you to flow us for some of the latest thoughts, inspiration and encouragement. We also have an Iphone app which will bring to your device the latest audio teachings from The Landing Community Church where Joe preaches weekly along with this daily log. If you would like to support what we are doing, you can help us by going ahead and getting your own personal copy of any of the book resources, the latest being Cup of Joe.
The book Transitions is a perfect resource for those changing seasons on their life(jobs, relationships, locations). And if you need more clarity regarding your purpose in life, choose Dreams2Destiny which documents Joe's journey from the nations largest music ministry into starting a church in the Bible belt. He also describes the many miracles that occurred in producing the largest Christian concert in history by a solo artist(CARMAN) at the former and legendary Texas Stadium.
Our mission is to be your rich blend of inspiration for the daily make you smile and think about things that are true, noble, pure and right. We thank you in advance for buying our products, using our resources and encouraging others to live the life that God designed them to live. Whatever you do, in word or deed, do it as unto the Lord and your plans will succeed!
Have a fantastic weekend and thank you for sharing a cup of joe!