Humility is...

Once you think you've got it, you've lost it!
Humility. The opposite of being proud.
In Luke 14:11 it says "everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
Humility does not mean you that you think less of yourself:
 it means that you think of yourself less.
Helen Nielsen said, "Humility is like underwear:
indecent if it shows!" The Bible tells us that it is always best to let
someone else praise you. It talks of taking the a less prominent seat at the table and allowing the host to move you to a more prominent spot.
Too many people fail to realize that our promotion comes from the Lord. When you do the best that you can do, God will begin to do the best He can do for you! He gives grace to the humble.(James 4:6)
If you need a better job, be the best person at the one you have now. Ask God to help position you for the next step and then trust Him with the timing. Be specific when you pray for a new job. What hours do you want? How much money would you like to make? What part of town do you want to work in? 
It is true that the Lord will give you the desires of our heart so it is always important to make your requests known to the One that will be bringing success your way. Jobs, relationships, ministries...all ventures in life can be directed by the Lord when you place them in His hands.
So are you ready to be exalted? You know what you have to do....humble yourself!

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