Customer Service
The other day I bought something that I thought I really wanted until I got it. I was filled with what they refer to as "buyers remorse". I had purchased this item at my favorite store for everything that begins with a W and ends with "Mart". I decided that I would rather keep the money so I repackaged the item and took it back to the Customer Service desk.
This store makes it so simple because they want to keep the customer happy. And happy I was as I left with my cash once again. It was as if I never bought the item in the first place.
Wouldn't it be great if the bad choices or regretful ones you and I make were able to be returned without question so that we could be happy once again? Well, you and I have access to the head of customer service, why He owns the entire chain! It's Jesus and He is ready to erase your mistakes and make all things new again. But you have to take your return to the desk!
So stop living with regret and take that item back to Jesus. He welcomes returns and makes it like you never had the trouble. You will become stronger and healthier and you will learn how to stop going home with things that you really don't need:)