True Light
The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. (John 1:9 NIV)
The other day I came across this image while reading some blogs and it triggered so many thoughts in my heart about this season. My favorite part of Christmas has to be the lights. Seeing trees and buildings trimmed with lights and all of the wonderful stars, nativity's and seasonal images illuminated always makes me smile.
Unfortunately, there are many folks that have never began a relationship with Jesus, the light of the world. They walk beside us like the lights on a strand of tree lights. Some lit up, others burned out or completely dimmed. Maybe you have felt your light go out. You see all of the light around you but feel as though you have lost power or joy. There is no better season than this one to plug yourself into the One that will light you up and use your gifts to bring great joy to those around you. See yourself shining brightly and bringing a smile to the world around you. It's Jesus in you that let's YOUR light shine!