How Do I Value Others?

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.
Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, (Philippians 2:3) 

It took many years for me to realize one of the most amazing principles in the Word of God. It seems to me that we are programmed within to be successful and that this desire to win often takes us in the wrong direction. For many years I tried to get ahead of others, take care of myself and be certain that in this dog eat dog world, I would be the lead dog. Then one day, after receiving Christ, I began to see that He offered another way to succeed. 
The simple principle was that if I would value others first, the Lord would value me and exalt me in the process. Humility always brought me right to where I needed to be! When I humbled myself, God would lift me up. Selfish ambition will wear you out. It will bring you nothing but anger, bitterness and envy. Always trying(in our own power) to be at the top is exhausting. 
It's time to give way to the Lord and let Hm take charge. Exchange your power for His. Start today by taking care of others first. God will always take care of you!

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