Honor God
Proverbs 3:9-10 Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Then he will fill your barns with grain,and your vats will overflow with good wine.
There is one sure way to always have what you need: to honor the Lord with your wealth. For much of my life I honored what I needed. My wants, desires and bills would be first. Then if there was anything left, the Lord would get a share. Living this way never seemed to provide an increase in any area.Then I learned about giving and becoming generous. I learned how to honor God with my wealth, at least with what little wealth I had. He no longer would get leftovers. God would come first! He would get the best part of everything I produced. For some time I was religiously stuck with ten percent of my income. As I grew older, and wiser I could see that I could not overdo it when it came to giving to The Lord. That percentage began to grow: I gave more time, more energy and ability and more money. You and I have a wealth of time, talent and money. We must learn how to honor God with it.
I can honestly say that I know what it's like to have little and I know what it's like to have every need met as I continue to bless others. Giving to others is the best way to give to yourself. This is the time of year for giving. Honor God with your wealth, your time and the incredible gifts He has given you! Give Him the best part and you will find that the best part is what He gives back to you!