Live Creatively

Galatians 6:1 Live creatively, friends. If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, saving your critical comments for yourself. You might be needing forgiveness before the day’s out. Stoop down and reach out to those who are oppressed. Share their burdens, and so complete Christ’s law. If you think you are too good for that, you are badly deceived.

Living creatively takes some training. We instinctively have within us a desire to watch out for ourselves and deal with our own challenges. People wrong us and we cut them off and may even start talking badly about them to someone else. That's not how God desires us to live.

We are to take care of each other. Be forgiving. Stooping down and reaching out to make life a little better for someone else. Share burdens with each other and soon we will share victories. This is what it means to live creatively. So stoop down, reach out and delete those critical comments. Be creative!


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