Five Years!

It's hard to believe but it was five years ago that cup of joe started pouring out a rich blend of inspiration for your daily grind. The comments, emails and feedback that I have received through this blog and through our Facebook page ( have been so encouraging. There is something wonderful about starting each day with a short positive thought together, even if it is on the world wide web.
I began writing this blog as an attempt to keep myself sharp and continue writing. I had written three books and wanted to keep the literary juices flowing:) Yes, that's right, at first it was about me. But as I began to share and others began to sip each cup with me, the focus changed to those consuming the ideas and thoughts percolating inside of me. It became about how to make others laugh, lift their spirits and maybe, just maybe inspire them to dream bigger than they ever had. One of the greatest highlights along the way was when a couple wonderful folks asked if they could gather the articles and put them in a book! And the very first Cup of Joe book was printed and delivered all over the country. Suddenly, the blog was on Nook, Kindle and in case you didn't know, we even have our own app in the ITunes Store!!(
We hope to create an Android one which will come very soon!

Through these years there have been many flavors shared, some espresso shots and a few cups that were less bold than others. Hopefully you have found a way to enjoy some of them and even share them in your social networks. Let me say thank you for these last five years and for checking in on me from time to time to share your comments and encouragement. It's like that first cup of joe in the morning!

I'd love to hear from you this weekend after you have this cup and celebrate this five year milestone with me. If you would be so kind, please post a comment or send me an email on the site where you and I meet for a cup each day. I so look forward to hearing from you! May your cup(of joe) always be filled to overflowing:)

***you can email me at

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