
How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you? 1 Thess 3:9
The last two weeks have been brutal in many ways. The emotional roller-coaster that I somehow got roped into riding has been a bit unsettling. But here I am with you on Friday, sipping some joe and getting ready for a spectacular weekend! How do we get through it? People. Good people. God's people. Though the trials and challenges are great at times, joy comes when we trust in the Lord and hang with His people. I am surrounded by some of the best folks on the planet. They encourage me, pray for me, give me cards and notes filled with scripture and even buy me my cup of joe sometimes!
Life is hard because of some people. But life can be great and filled with joy because of some people too. 
Check the group you hang with today? Do they help you soar or make you sour?


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