My daughter has a saying that all of her friends yell anytime something exciting and maybe a little risky is happening...they say "YOLO". It simply means You Only Live Once. It inspires in them the attitude to jump in and do what ever it is because life is short and you need to seize the day when you can. As I was reading today I came across a little verse that puts that "life is short" phrase to flight. Take a look:
John 10:28 (AMP)
And I give them eternal life, and they shall never lose it or perish throughout the ages. [To all eternity they shall never by any means be destroyed.] And no one
is able to snatch them out of My hand.
In Christ, as a fully devoted follower of Jesus and one who tries to imitate His ways upon the earth, life is not short, its eternal! So today, I am certain that I will be doing some things that will be exciting and even a bit daring...and I will add three more little letters to their phrase:
YOLO...BIF, you only live once...but its forever! YOLO-BIF!
Have a blessed day!