Not Guilty

For God’s will was for us to be made holy by the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all time. (Hebrews 10:10 NLT)
Take a good look today at this verse...once and for all the price has been paid for YOU! Too often I find myself feeling guilty or ashamed by things that have already taken place and I allow those feelings of guilt to rob me of joy and peace in the present. I can tell God sometimes that I will do better and then I set up all types of changes in my life to attempt to earn my way into His good graces.
The truth is that I was a mess. God knew that I could not untangle myself from a worldly system unless He made a way. He sent Jesus and Jesus went to the cross to pay I debt that I could never pay. His grace is my gift! So my mistakes, my falling short is taken care of by His precious blood. The verdict for me...not guilty!
Maybe you have been beating yourself up because you seem to be in a pattern of bad behavior that you cannot break out of. There is a way...His way! Accept what Jesus has already done and live like you've already won! You are free, once and for all!


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