Hoarder of Confidence

"So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you!" Hebrews 10:35
I am becoming less and less of a hoarder. I used to keep just about everything because I firmly believed that I would need it some day in the future and there is nothing more frustrating than needing something that you had but got rid of! I would take boxes upon boxes from one place to the next and never even open them! So now if I have something that I neglect using in one year, I give it away. 
One thing that I won't toss out is the confident trust that I have in what the Lord can and will do in my life. God is interested in everything that happens to us and He truly wants some amazing things to happen through us. We must not only believe that...we must place confident trust in the fact that he can do what He says. So I will continue being a hoarder of confidence...confidence in the Lord that is!


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