Another Year

Today I celebrate not only the beginning of another amazing year but the start of my 53rd year on the planet. Last year was filled with so many incredible moments and to imagine it could get any better sometimes seems a stretch. 
I remember one of my favorite scriptures in Jeremiah that reminds me God has a very specific plan for my existence. That plan is to make the time I spend here the best that it can possibly be. To prepare for that plan I take time at the start of each year on my birthday to set me personal GPS. That stands for goals, plans and systems. I set some personal goals, put together a biblical plan that can move me in that direction and then add a system(real life skills) to put that plan into motion. 
Goals are the target. The plan is the course of action to hit the target and the system is the driving force. Ultimately my personal GPS takes me to the predetermined location. 
Take a moment today to set yours. Set goals that are simple and realistic. And then start moving. It was Thoreau that said, "go confidently in the direction of your dreams". You will need that confidence, especially when you hear the words "recalculating"!


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