3 Things I Learned From Mickey

It's been called the most magical place on earth: a place where dreams come true. Walt Disney World is filled with activities, music and of course, all of our favorite Disney characters. Christmas at Disney is another experience altogether. And when you add to the mix a Bowl Game and the Orlando Magic playing in town, the city is jammed with people. So many in fact that all of the theme parks had to restrict access due to there being too many people trying to get in!
In the midst of the hustle and bustle, the theme park rides and character sightings, I began to notice some things. There are 3 things that Mickey taught me.
1-our country's people do not appear to be broke
Either the recession is a myth or you and I will always pay for entertainment, regardless of our financial condition. As I ponied up my nearly one C note to get into the park, eat food and quench my thirst, I was "feeding the mouse" all day. And thousands of us were doing it! Maybe we still need an escape from reality and a trip to a magic kingdom where dreams can come true.
2-Mickey Brings Joy
At least until the long lines, tired children and lack of cash kick in:) Mickey brings temporary joy. The smiles and laughs from the 8am entrants seem to turn to cries and moans of wearied bodies by early afternoon. Joy comes in the morning and may leave by dinner!
3-it's NOT a small world after all!
Most of the languages I heard spoken were not English. People from all over the world had gathered together to join me in paying homage to this family of fictitious characters. One day in any theme park during Christmas and you can clearly see just how large our world really is.
So thank you Mickey for these little lessons.
Life may go from 0-60 just like your Rockin Roller Coaster and circumstances may make the floor seem to fall out like it does in the Tower of Terror. Perhaps if we can smile, find a way to escape reality for a few moments and rub shoulders with our friends all over the world , dreams really can come true!


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