Armor ALL
Ephesians 6 is where we find the suggestion by Paul to "put on the whole armor of God". The way to stand against adversity and eve rise above it is to be dressed properly. The armor of God has you covered in all areas.
It all begins with the belt. I don't always wear a belt and even when I do, its not what I would call the most important piece of my outfit. Yet in the armor the belt of TRUTH is crucial. It means everything because it ties the rest of the pieces together AND holds everything in place. The belt of TRUTH is the written Word of God. It's our blueprint for life. It maps out our course and answers our questions.
Do you read the Bible? How often do you put on your belt? The truth does not set you free. The truth THAT YOU KNOW is what sets you free! Put on your belt!
See you here tomorrow for some more pieces of armor!
It all begins with the belt. I don't always wear a belt and even when I do, its not what I would call the most important piece of my outfit. Yet in the armor the belt of TRUTH is crucial. It means everything because it ties the rest of the pieces together AND holds everything in place. The belt of TRUTH is the written Word of God. It's our blueprint for life. It maps out our course and answers our questions.
Do you read the Bible? How often do you put on your belt? The truth does not set you free. The truth THAT YOU KNOW is what sets you free! Put on your belt!
See you here tomorrow for some more pieces of armor!