Love to Give!

Some people are always greedy for more,
but the godly love to give

 This little reminder in Proverbs 21:26 can change the way we live our lives! Generosity begets generosity and a person that gives to others will be given to. That is a lesson that godly folks learn is a way of life not a simple action. When you give with love you will love to give.
For many years I was in a gathering mode. I wanted to get more so that I would have more. What I realized was that I would never be able to accomplish MY selfish agenda. As I grew in Christ I understood that God was always interested in me and me getting what I need. The older I get the more I see that what I need is indeed what I want!
So work hard, keep moving forward and when God blesses you, turn around and bless another. Godly people LOVE to GIVE!


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