One Thousand!!

Cup of Joe has reached another milestone for inspiration and hope. This rich blend of inspiration for your daily grind is the 1000 article!!! In October of 2007 I decided to try and use this space to share my thoughts, my hopes and things that inspire me so that you too may be inspired. I enjoy having a cup of joe with so many people. COJ is read in so many countries like Argentina, France, India, England, Australia, Malaysia, South Korea and many more. I guess we all want to be encouraged!
I often look for things in my daily routine that make me laugh, cry and think and those are the kinds of things that I share with each of you. The key for me is to keep moving, keep writing and not allow myself to let the "joe" get cold.
You won't always feel like smiling but there is always something to smile about. If you don't find the circumstances that you want when you wake up, change them. Be COURAGEOUS and do everything that you can to see the magnificence in life around you. Listen. Look, Smell. Embrace what God is doing and then engage with His people. Grab it while it's hot. Share it with a friend. That's what a Cup of Joe is all about. Thanks for making this all worthwhile.

I make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes.  ~Sara Teasdale


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