It's a New Day!
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone and the new has come!”
There are so many people today, so overwhelmed by things, mortgages, relationships, businesses, etc. that the idea of new can seem a bit unreachable. Say something positive today: say out loud "it's a brand new day!"
So many folks have already adopted the idea that mediocrity and “used” is just the way it is and they settle for that as "good enough". Let's not dwell on good enough let's look to a God that is MORE than enough!
A big market for consumers in this economy is engaged through items that are “refurbished or reconditioned”. The first thing we must realize is that when Christ makes you new, it is not the same as being refurbished(i.e. to restore something to good condition:usable) or reconditioned. You are not simply “repaired”. When Jesus comes to live in us, when we ask Him to be our Lord, we are “born again”. Spiritually speaking it is as if the life we had previously lived is gone and we birth a brand new one.
Thank God it’s a brand new day!Use yours wisely:)