Fathers Day Weekend!!!

It's Fathers Day weekend! As a father of three I am thrilled that I get a day to say,"it's about me!" Fathers Day is just like Mothers Day only we don't spend as much:)
For all of the men that have stood up for the right things, lived a life of serving God and caring for their family, I salute you and honor you on your special weekend.
About 5 years ago, I sat down and penned a song for my father and had the chance to sing it during a church service that year. The idea is that the love of our father never ceases, its the same now as it was then as a child. So too is the love of our heavenly Father for us. That's some great news!
So dad, take a few minutes this weekend for YOU and let the loving arms of Christ embrace you.

I dedicate this little song to all the dads...Happy Fathers Day!

Now as Much as Then


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