What Do You Hear?
Remember the time that Peter stepped out of the boat to walk on the water? It was right in the middle of a huge storm and the winds were blowing and the weaves crashing. They saw a shadowy figure walking on the water and they were all afraid. Jesus knew they were scared so he quickly said, "don't be afraid, take courage...I am here". Then Peter said, "Lord, if its really you, tell me to come." Jesus said, "come."
There are many times when you and I go through things that are challenging and we can't see Jesus in any of it. You may wonder if he is even around. Peter gave us something to think about here. If you can't see him, listen for him.
Peter could not see Jesus so he asked Jesus to keep speaking so he could follow the voice. What, or should I say, whose voice are you listening to? Make sure it's Jesus and it won't be long before you are walking on top of the things that sink everyone else!
There are many times when you and I go through things that are challenging and we can't see Jesus in any of it. You may wonder if he is even around. Peter gave us something to think about here. If you can't see him, listen for him.
Peter could not see Jesus so he asked Jesus to keep speaking so he could follow the voice. What, or should I say, whose voice are you listening to? Make sure it's Jesus and it won't be long before you are walking on top of the things that sink everyone else!