Bless You!
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ."
Most of us have never really thought about what it truly means to be "blessed". We say I bless you in the name of the Lord without knowing the impact of a "blessing".We often equate it with things like a nice home, a cool car or an incredible job or a simple sneeze! Things are nice but when God says that we are blessed with every spiritual blessing he means so much more.
In Ephesians 1 you can find some amazing additions to add to your "blessing" package. Living a blessed life means that you were CHOSEN by God. He chose YOU! Not only that but he PREDESTINED you to be a part of the family. He set it up in advance for you to not be a spiritual orphan. You are blessed because you are a key part of the family of God! Another option in your blessing package is ACCEPTANCE. Because he made YOU accepted you belong in the network and no one can pull you out. That network allows you access to his truth and it is no longer a secret what God is up to because you have the inside track. You are REDEEMED by the blood of Christ and your sins are forgiven. Walking the walk of faith eventually leads you to a spiritual INHERITANCE that is SEALED by the Holy Spirit of promise! I've come across many package deals in my life but this is one that truly transforms my life.
So the next time you sneeze and someone says "bless you" say THANK YOU! "Do you know what you just said about me! Thank you for reminding me that I'm chosen, predestined for adoption, accepted into the family of God , redeemed and forgiven and there is a rich inheritance promised to me and guaranteed by the Holy Spirit!" Do you get the picture now?
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Most of us have never really thought about what it truly means to be "blessed". We say I bless you in the name of the Lord without knowing the impact of a "blessing".We often equate it with things like a nice home, a cool car or an incredible job or a simple sneeze! Things are nice but when God says that we are blessed with every spiritual blessing he means so much more.
In Ephesians 1 you can find some amazing additions to add to your "blessing" package. Living a blessed life means that you were CHOSEN by God. He chose YOU! Not only that but he PREDESTINED you to be a part of the family. He set it up in advance for you to not be a spiritual orphan. You are blessed because you are a key part of the family of God! Another option in your blessing package is ACCEPTANCE. Because he made YOU accepted you belong in the network and no one can pull you out. That network allows you access to his truth and it is no longer a secret what God is up to because you have the inside track. You are REDEEMED by the blood of Christ and your sins are forgiven. Walking the walk of faith eventually leads you to a spiritual INHERITANCE that is SEALED by the Holy Spirit of promise! I've come across many package deals in my life but this is one that truly transforms my life.
So the next time you sneeze and someone says "bless you" say THANK YOU! "Do you know what you just said about me! Thank you for reminding me that I'm chosen, predestined for adoption, accepted into the family of God , redeemed and forgiven and there is a rich inheritance promised to me and guaranteed by the Holy Spirit!" Do you get the picture now?
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