
Winter is the time of promise because there is so little to do - or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so Stanley Crawford
The season is winter is the time when life does indeed slow down and spiritually speaking, it's the time when God can speak to each of us and bring new revelation. More than any other winter, I have had what can only be called "forced downtime". Tulsa had experienced more snow this year than any other time in its history. The kids have had 8 snow days in a row! We no longer call it a snow day, its snow week!
Life moves at a very fast pace and its often hard to unwind after we have become habitually wound up. Yet the Word of God encourages us to "be still" and know that He is God. This can be a time of promise. This can be a time to let God's promises to be whispered to you so that you can start to prepare yourself for a springtime of blossoming and blooming! It won't be long till the sun is shining again and activity resumes.Permit yourself the luxury of having little to do today!


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