Cup of Joe has Been Poured!

In 1997 while I was serving as the Executive Director of Carman Ministries, I was giving a wonderful opportunity. Carman wanted me to take the back corner of our monthly newsletter and write something to encourage the people. I think it started as "From the Desk of the Executive Director". It didn't take long before something a bit more catchy arrived and I called it Cup of Joe
I loved being able to write my thoughts and share them in a newsletter that was touching the lives of so many people that loved Carman and his music. Once I started I couldn't stop. 
When I resigned from CM in 2000 and moved back to Tulsa, I kept writing. Short little paragraphs became pages and chapters and I completed two books, Dreams2Destiny and Transitions. When The Landing was started in 2002 I went back to writing the monthly Cup of Joe articles for my church and on our web page. In 2007 I decided that I would challenge myself and I launched a web log(blog) guessed it, Cup of Joe. That blog led to articles in magazines and even my becoming a religion writer for our local newspaper. In the fall of 2010, a couple friends of mine, Keith and Bill, asked me if I ever thought of putting these together and making Cup of Joe a book. Something in me leaped up and down and the more we talked about it the more I got excited. Others did too. 
Well, today, February 25th, 2011, the Cup of Joe book ships from the printer all over the country! A Kindle version is coming soon and I stand in awe of what God can do when we take whatever He has given us and present it to him. Like the bread at the feeding of the 5000, he takes it, blesses it and it multiplies it in a way that takes care of everyone that needs it.
Don't despise slow starts and small beginnings. I still have the newsletters with the small corner version of the Cup of Joe to remind me of where it started. I wrote the vision down so that all who read it could run with it. I pray this rich blend of inspiration for your daily grind will somehow wake up your spirit and move you through your day. Click on the link which takes you to the Amazon store and take a sip. Look inside the book today! If you need a little pick me up that is sure to last longer than your 5 hour energy shot, espresso yourself and get yourself your own Cup of Joe!


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