Rekindle the Fire
"In everyone's life at some time,our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." Albert Schweitzer
In a world made up of people and relationships there are going to be folks we meet that cause us to burn and ones that cause us to burn out. As I felt the heat from the fireplace during our snow day in Tulsa yesterday i thought about how quickly we can be fanned into flame by divine encounters. God is putting our steps together and weaving a beautiful tapestry with our lives that can bless the world and bring us complete happiness.
If your fire is going out, check the connections you have. If the people in your life don't ignite the dreams that God has planted in you to come forth, it may be time for some new encounters. Let God fan into flame the gift that He has placed within you and watch how he uses others to burst that gift into a blazing inferno of hope and promise!
In a world made up of people and relationships there are going to be folks we meet that cause us to burn and ones that cause us to burn out. As I felt the heat from the fireplace during our snow day in Tulsa yesterday i thought about how quickly we can be fanned into flame by divine encounters. God is putting our steps together and weaving a beautiful tapestry with our lives that can bless the world and bring us complete happiness.
If your fire is going out, check the connections you have. If the people in your life don't ignite the dreams that God has planted in you to come forth, it may be time for some new encounters. Let God fan into flame the gift that He has placed within you and watch how he uses others to burst that gift into a blazing inferno of hope and promise!