Perfect Love

The bible tells us that "perfect love casts out fear." I have to be honest today and say that I am not really sure what perfect love is. I am quite certain that I have not experienced it because I seem to be afraid of so many things. Afraid of being hurt by others, afraid of giving away too much, afraid of running out of strength...the list goes on and on.
Fact is that perfect love has only come once. It came in the form of a baby that grew up to become a man and have a mission to save mankind and to die for all of our sins. That love was unconditional. That love was selfless. That love took away all fear of death. Now all we have to do is ask Jesus to live in our heart. Love came down to live in us and move through us.
Getting through fear can be challenging. You wont be able to accomplish it without more power. Be strong IN THE LORD and the POWER of HIS MIGHT. Don't fear. He's already beat the thing that is trying to beat you. Surrender control and let Him guide you through this year. That's perfect love!


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