Perfect Gift

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17
What is the perfect gift? Most of us would probably answer that question by saying that it would be something that we wanted very much. Some would lean to something that they really need. What we want and what we need may be far different things!
The good news today is that God gave you a gift. A good and perfect gift. When you ask the Lord to live in your heart, that heart is changed. It is made new. It feels different, loves different, and causes you to act and speak differently too. For someone that battles heart disease, a new heart is the perfect gift.(literally and figuratively) Like all of God's gifts, a new heart is not only something we want but also something we need. God always gives the perfect gift. When you live your life for Christ you realize that you are "gifted" in so many ways. Living a life that utilizes those gifts is our objective. And always remembering where they came from. EVERY good and perfect gift comes from Him. Share your perfect gift today!


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