Like Riding a Bike

Have you ever had one of those weeks that seemed absolutely filled with activity, saturated in promise and ended at an even higher level than it started? They don't happen often but when they do you just want to smile and say thank you Lord for bringing everything together like you did this week.
The first time I rode a bike my parents held on to it until I got going and then something interesting happened. They let go! Fear and excitement elevated to incredibly high levels at the same time. I got so scared I forgot where I was going and I was so excited I forgot that I was scared!
Living by faith can be exhilarating and sometimes scary. But God tells us two things that he told Joshua: "I will not fail you and I'll never forsake you". (Joshua 1:5)
You can take your journey down the path knowing that God is with you, cheering you on and helping you to be absolutely successful and prosperous. So go ahead and pedal forward with confidence! You are going to be fine!


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