Rooted in Him
Col 2:6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Living the life of a fully devoted follower of Christ is challenging AND rewarding. Continuing to make the right choices at the right time for the right reasons is a learned skill. We are to be "rooted" in Him. That means we get into a place where we are spiritually fed and we plant ourselves. You cannot grow roots without good soil. We all need a local place of worship to connect to. You were created to have fellowship. We will be built up in direct proportion to the depths of our roots. The deeper they flow, the higher you go!
When we use our faith(in God) we strengthen our spirit man. As faith is exercised it grows. As it grows you become a thankful person: not just giving thanks but living thankfully!
Check the soil you are sitting in and ask God to help you establish some roots. Let your spirit rise and your hearts overflow with thankfulness today!
Living the life of a fully devoted follower of Christ is challenging AND rewarding. Continuing to make the right choices at the right time for the right reasons is a learned skill. We are to be "rooted" in Him. That means we get into a place where we are spiritually fed and we plant ourselves. You cannot grow roots without good soil. We all need a local place of worship to connect to. You were created to have fellowship. We will be built up in direct proportion to the depths of our roots. The deeper they flow, the higher you go!
When we use our faith(in God) we strengthen our spirit man. As faith is exercised it grows. As it grows you become a thankful person: not just giving thanks but living thankfully!
Check the soil you are sitting in and ask God to help you establish some roots. Let your spirit rise and your hearts overflow with thankfulness today!