Where You Lead I'll Follow
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
No matter how hard we try to honor God with this physical shell, we will find out that the body is a follower. It does whatever the mind tells it to. It goes wherever the Spirit leads. The Spirit will most likely be willing and the flesh(body) will cave in.
Your body houses the power of the spirit of God. God put it I. You to make certain that you had an opportunity to trust the spirit and take the body along for the ride. So why are so many people living below their potential? Perhaps it's because our desire to satisfy the natural is greater than our willingness to acquire the supernatural.
Feed your spirit, renew your mind and take your body out for a spin on the divine path God has designated for you!
No matter how hard we try to honor God with this physical shell, we will find out that the body is a follower. It does whatever the mind tells it to. It goes wherever the Spirit leads. The Spirit will most likely be willing and the flesh(body) will cave in.
Your body houses the power of the spirit of God. God put it I. You to make certain that you had an opportunity to trust the spirit and take the body along for the ride. So why are so many people living below their potential? Perhaps it's because our desire to satisfy the natural is greater than our willingness to acquire the supernatural.
Feed your spirit, renew your mind and take your body out for a spin on the divine path God has designated for you!