Brotherly Love
It's what they call the city of Philadelphia. And it's commanded in scripture...let brotherly love continue!
It should be bred inside each of us...a concern for others and a love that goes beyond the boundaries of family and friends. That's why the Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 4 9Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other.
Today the Glenpool Outreach Center(GOC) will gather all of the volunteers it can muster, open up their hearts and spread their arms open wide to give the city of Glenpool, OK some brotherly love.
It's their annual Back2School bash and it's primary purpose is to get a free backpack and school supplies to the children in Glenpool schools. Glenpool is right outside of Tulsa and does not get included in city wide assistance programs. That's where the GOC steps up. Today kids will be honored, fed, allowed to have some fun and can even get a free haircut if they wish. It's a massive hug of love from a ministry that cares about its community.
All over the world people are sharing brotherly love. We just don't hear about it because it gets buried in stories of hate, hurt and hopelessness.
Today, there is hope. People still care about each other. And some, like the GOC, will put legs to their faith and run in their direction to bring them love, help and hope! Thank you Glenpool Outreach Center for putting some works with your faith. Thanks for loving people. You know how to give brotherly love! I'm certain God is smiling!The GOC
It should be bred inside each of us...a concern for others and a love that goes beyond the boundaries of family and friends. That's why the Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 4 9Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other.
Today the Glenpool Outreach Center(GOC) will gather all of the volunteers it can muster, open up their hearts and spread their arms open wide to give the city of Glenpool, OK some brotherly love.
It's their annual Back2School bash and it's primary purpose is to get a free backpack and school supplies to the children in Glenpool schools. Glenpool is right outside of Tulsa and does not get included in city wide assistance programs. That's where the GOC steps up. Today kids will be honored, fed, allowed to have some fun and can even get a free haircut if they wish. It's a massive hug of love from a ministry that cares about its community.
All over the world people are sharing brotherly love. We just don't hear about it because it gets buried in stories of hate, hurt and hopelessness.
Today, there is hope. People still care about each other. And some, like the GOC, will put legs to their faith and run in their direction to bring them love, help and hope! Thank you Glenpool Outreach Center for putting some works with your faith. Thanks for loving people. You know how to give brotherly love! I'm certain God is smiling!The GOC