I have a confession to make: I am an avid, consistent Walmart shopper. Maybe it's because its one mile from my house. Or maybe its because I can go into one store and buy ANYthing that I need! One of the things that greets me each time I enter, (right after the nice man with the blue vest!) is this "rollback" sign that shows how the prices have been rolled back for me to save like the good ole days.
Sometimes I think about what it might be like if I could "rollback" a decision I made that went the wrong direction or "rollback" a purchase I made that I regretted. I really want to do what Walmart wants me to do: save money and live better!
Fortunately for me and any of you that have asked the Lord to live in your heart, Jesus has his own "rollback" program. It's called repentence. It's a chance to go back to the place you were at before you made the mistake. Once you have changed direction He changes the end result.
Could you use a "rollback" today? Ask the Lord the forgive you for that bad decision and make a fresh start. Invest your resources: time, talent and treasure into the things that God is doing. You will find a life that is better than you ever imagined. So what are you waiting for? Let the good times roll....back!
PS By the way, one of the women from my church caught the fact that the prices in the sign pictured here were backwards! You better watch which way things are falling!