Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

I just spent a few day in the Ozarks, editing and proofing the daily devotionals that are going to be part of the new Cup of Joe Daily Devotional.(coming to stores this fall) My daily routine was dialed down from about a 9 to a 2.5 once I hit the hills of Missouri. I was able to sleep in a little later and had no real agenda except finishing my fifth book. What I did not have was my coffee maker and the special blends that I have every morning. Once I got up, there was no wonderful aroma filling the air! I could not wake up till I smelled the coffee! My morning devotions were not the same without my morning blend! Thank the Lord there was a Starbucks 2 miles from where I was. After nearly three days of 5 hours per day looking at the words that I penned on each page, I finished!
I must say that it felt very strange to slow down and change my routine. Strange, but good. I think we all could benefit by allowing our system to reboot once in a while. My phone was off, there was no TV and no other work that had to be done. As I put the finishing touches on this project last night, I thanked the Lord for the way He loves me. I am so grateful for His insight. For showing me how to find Him in the brisk country air. For leading me to places where I can be ministered to while I rest in Him. The Bible says that we should "seek the Lord while He is near; call upon Him while he is in the vicinity." I thank Him for the smell of coffee each day that awakens my senses and engages my mind.

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Please take a moment today to tell us your story. Send your email to joesjones@me.com

Now wake up and smell the coffee!


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