Sweet Peace
Romans 5:1 "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand."
To be justified means to be placed in right standing with God. To be declared not guilty and set free. The only way that I could ever grasp that is to accept it by faith. Why? Because God said it. He made me right because I stepped out in His direction. And now that I am going in the right direction, in right standing, I have peace with God.
I saw this peace in the hospital yesterday. I was with some dear friends and we all gathered around our loved one and sang spiritual songs. Old songs...like "peace, peace, wonderful peace" and "only believe"and "revive us again". As we sang, a sweet peace filled the room and the presence of the Lord was all around us. He fell off to sleep.( I have that affect on people!) This was a deep, peaceful sleep. The vital signs all lined up in a normal way and he started to breathe the way he should. Because he was right with God he was able to experience peace in God. I walked up to another floor and another friend and did the same thing again only this time I was by myself. Again, sweet peace filled the room.
There is another level beyond that peace. It's the grace by which we stand. Grace is unmerited, undeserved favor. So follow this: by faith I step in the Lords direction and am made right, overwhelmed with peace and enveloped in grace. And there is no better place to stand than right there, right now!