Soul Searching

3 John 1:2 "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well."
When was the last time that you just stopped to pray for something good to happen in the lives of those that you are connected to? For good health and for all of their needs to be met? Sometimes we get so wrapped up in "our world" that we don't see the difficulties and struggles that others are facing that are right next to us. This reminder today is not just to stop and smell the roses: stop and say a prayer for the rose garden!
There is one more nugget of truth hidden in this verse. Our health and well being is directly impacted by our spiritual well being! Your SOUL is the house of your mind, will and emotions. In others words, the thoughts, actions and feelings are there. Yet they can still go haywire. Ever lost your mind, done something stupid or felt broken-hearted? Me too! We need to do some soul-searching. The only way to keep the soul in check is to feed the spirit. The spirit not only sustains us, it keeps everything else in balance. When the soul is under the influence of the spirit, the body will follow along. Find your soul, feed your spirit and move your body!
So, my dear friend, today I pray that you would enjoy good health and that everything in this day will go well for you because the Lord is in charge of your life and you are feeding your spirit.


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