Be Still...and KNOW!

Psalm 46:10"Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth
Yesterday I made the mistake of flipping through the channels and winding up on a news network. They were in the middle of a debate about health care reform in this country. As the conversation went on the language became more and more negative and the volume of the debaters increased. It did not take long before I was disgusted and going crazy. I reached for the remote again and shut the television off. All of a sudden it was completely quiet. Anxiety seemed to leave the room and my spirit began to change. It seemed as if God was causing me to be recharged while I was being still.
Often you and I can find ourselves in conversations that we really do not belong in. Life can pull you into places you did not intend to go and cause you to do things you did not desire to do. Arguments, envy, and jealousy can create a vortex that pulls you in and downward. If words are not constructive, they are destructive. Sometimes I wish that I had a "mute" button or a power switch that could quiet or shut off these types of conversations too!
God shows up powerfully in the silence. It's where we know the stillness. Try to find some space in your day that you can be still. Go off and have lunch by yourself. Just be still. Let God speak through the quietness and feed your spirit and soul. Be still...and KNOW...then GO!


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