Mission impossible? Nothing is impossible with God! I’ve heard it all of my life. You have too. The question is, do we believe that? Do we REALLY believe that? In Mark 10 you will find that verse where Jesus is talking about real life things…and then the rich young ruler is told how he can be saved…sell what you have…give to the poor…follow me…WOW, that’s a tall order! But remember…Nothing is impossible with God!
You see if we really BELIEVE that then we will act differently…we will talk differently…we will take risks that require faith! You know what I have learned about the “impossible”? Things are only impossible until somebody does it. Somebody is always breaking a record that others thought would be long-lasting. The fact is that records are broken by those that BELIEVE they can break them! I want you to take a look at that word today…BELIEVE…now let me highlight a piece in the middle that usually gets in the way of our belief system…BELIEVE. See it now?
Some of us only see the lie that the enemy has embedded within the belief! The lie is that you cannot win. The lie is that life is just too hard and you can be good if you want but being good won’t get you anywhere. The lie is that you don’t have enough talent…enough resources…enough time!
With God ALL things are possible! We just have to keep on pressing on. Start where you are and keep going. As Winston Churchill once said never, never, never give up! Be tenacious, fight the good fight of faith and tell yourself the positive things that God has said about you…you can do all things…you are more than a conqueror…you will have all that you need to do what He’s chosen you to do! Nothing…no thing is impossible with God!