For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”- Romans 8:38-39
You and I have been hard-wired to believe in our Creator. We were made in the image of God.Yet so many people today have their wires crossed and look like the image of something that looks nothing like God. Reading this verse it would seem that there is absolutely nothing that has the power to disconnect us from the love of God...nothing that is except ourselves. Poor choices, negative words, poisoned thinking all have a way of breaking the love connection. The good news is that God gave us free will. The bad news is that God gave us free will! When we surrender our plans to follow His then we begin to strengthen and connect the wiring that God gave us. I have a will to win today because my desires are no longer just mine...they are His! That is why He always gives me the desires of my heart!
Today, realize that you are created in the very image of God. God doesn't make junk! He's pre-wired you for a supernatural connection. You are wired to win and tethered to Him!


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