Ash Wednesday
Today is Ash Wednesday; it is the 7th Wednesday before Easter and the first day of the Lenten season. It’s called Ash Wednesday because worshippers used to place a cross of ashes on their foreheads as a symbol of humility before God…the mourning and sorrow at the death that sin brings into the world. Ashes were not offered to everyone, only those that made a public confession of sin and sought to be restored to the fellowship. We know that scripture says that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Thank God for His mercy extended to us and His grace that is sufficient for all of us.
As I child I heard the word Lent many times without really knowing what the significance was. People would ask, "what are you giving up for lent?" People would give up pepsi, television or chocolate...things that if we were honest, we could give up without much sacrifice on our part. As you go through this season from now until Easter, consider making a broader commitment to the Lord. Lent is about repentance; turning around, and going in the direction of Christ and away from sin. Lent is about life, not chocolate!
At The Landing, we will take things that we want to rid our lives of and write them on a piece of paper and then nail them to a cross that has been erected in the worship center until Easter. It will remind us that Jesus was literally nailed to the cross for our sins. He paid the price. On the Wednesday before Easter we will take these off of the cross and burn them signifying that they are no longer remembered and they all disappear in Christ!
Use this Lenten season to do your own soul-searching. Ask God to make Himself more alive to you so that He can show Himself through you. Prepare your heart and humble yourself and He will lift you up at just the right time!