Turn Up the Heat!
"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty." 1 Tim 2:1
There is not better way to start the year than with prayer. As our fasting season started at The Landing, so too does our intensity for prayer. With so many things happening around us and with the great deal of change being proposed to us by our leaders, we must continue to pray. There are decisions being made right now that will impact your life and the life of your children. Whether we agree with those in government positions or not should not keep us from praying for them every day. The Bible tells us that the heart of the king is in the Lords hand and He can turn it in the direction that is best...as long as there is a remnant of believers praying for God's purpose and plan to reign.
Godliness and honesty are the fruits of a life of prayer and thanksgiving. Nothing is too far out of control. No person is out of reach when it comes to the arm of the Lord.
Turn up the heat in your prayer time this year. As people come across your mind, talk to the Lord about them. Do this for your friends and your family. Jesus said that we would face some things that need prayer to deliver. Some that will need prayer and fasting. You really can make a difference. The question is...will you?