The Lions Den

Tonight is the annual Lions Den event at The Landing. It's a 12 hour mega-ministry event. Worship, different leaders from local churches and ministries and some much needed fellowship. It's a great way for us to remember Daniel and what made him different in the Word of God. Daniel was distinguished above all the other men of his day because he had an excellent spirit in him. In fact when it came time for the king to look for more assistance, Daniel was one of those men that stood out. He was chosen to go through a 3 year boot camp to separate the men from the boys. It was at the beginning of that training that Daniel resolved to NOT defile himself with the food and drink that they were offered. It was the kings food. You see, Daniel had a system in place that worked for him. He had his prayer life in sync. He knew what God expected of him and he lived it!
Daniel was presented with a choice that compromised the way he lived his life and he stood by his convictions. You and I can learn something from him. To trust in the Lord, follow our heart and stand firm on the promises of God. Daniels choice to not defile himself, defined him in a magnificent way. He went from obscurity to the kings palace, through the fiery furnace and the lions den and all the way into the Cup of Joe! He rose to prominence and used his position to help others find God in their lives. How are you using your influence to point people to Christ? The further you move from the things that defile you, the closer you move to the things that define you.


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