A Recipe for Righteousness

In Romans 4:16-22 we are told about Abraham and how he always believed in and moved towards the promise of God. He took God at his word and found a blessed life in the process. The good news is that as fully devoted followers of Christ, you and I are the seed of Abraham. That means that whatever was promised to him is also promised to us. And according to this scripture today, that promise from God is guaranteed!

Here is Abrahams recipe for righteousness.

He did not weaken in his faith
He knew the promise and he moved towards it. We have to be willing to let go of our way to embrace God's way.

He did not waver through unbelief
Doubt cannot rise alongside of faith. As faith rises, doubt will diminish. Sometimes we just have to face the facts and then forget them!

He gave glory to God
You can only fully glorify God when you become fully persuaded that He is able to do what He said He would do. Faith is strengthened as we believe in the power of the promise. I call it G3: give God glory!

This is why Abraham was credited with being righteous. He followed the recipe and enjoyed the fruit of obedience. And because we are the seed of Abraham, we too can follow the recipe and enjoy all that was PROMISED to us. So give God glory!


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