Entering and Leaving
Today I left the bedroom and went into the bathroom. I left the bathroom and entered the bedroom again, left the bedroom and entered the living room. I left the living room and entered the kitchen. OK, you get it...every time I leave one room I enter another. Every season that you leave is a transition which allows you to enter another. Tonight, millions of people will have their eyes on a large ball in Times Square that will drop as it counts down the final moments of 2009 and welcomes in 2010.
By this time tomorrow you will once again have a clean whiteboard in which to draw out all of your goals, plan your activities and develop a system that will accomplish all of it!
I encourage you to leave the baggage from 2009 in 2009. Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead is what the Bible tells us to do. How you leave this year will determine how you enter 2010. This could be your best year yet. You can start getting excited about it now! You can celebrate the end of a year in which you did the best you could do. You loved, you laughed and you lived to the fullest. And now you begin again in 2010!
Be safe, keep the faith and enjoy the end of a year well done!